Easy Secret Messages

Easy Secret Messages

Easy Secret Messages

Freedom apps
- April 11, 2015
Andriod 2.3.3 and up +


Do you want to send secret messages with sensitive information but don’t know what app to trust?

Easy Secret Messages will help you with that, a simple app based on the open source service at OneTimeSecret with which you won’t have to worry again about having your accounts hacked and messages read.


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Product Description

Here are some of the features that power Easy Secret Messages:

  • No registration. With ESM you don’t have to go through complicated registration forms or configurations, everything works out of the box.
  • No installation for recipients. When you send a message the person receiving it won’t need to have anything installed to read the message.
  • Encryption. Messages are encrypted using powerful algorithms and are also self-destroyed once they are read by their recipient.
  • No extra-links. Only the link to the actual message will be sent to the recipient, and those links expire after 7 days if they’re not read by then.
  • Complete anonymity. Using a combination of Easy Secret Messages with Orbot (the Android version of Tor) you have true anonymity in case you want to become the next Snowden and start a whistle-blowing scandal – messages cannot be traced.
  • SSL encryption. When you send messages and communicate with the server, all data is encrypted via SSL.
  • Password. You can add extra protection by password-protecting the messages that will go out to recipients.

You don’t need to be a computer expert to have secure communications with others, a simple app (and free) such as Easy Secret Messages helps with that task. The short demo below shows the app in action.


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