7 Definite Test Case Scenarios for Your Taxi App

A test case is a set of variables that will determine whether a system under test satisfies the requirements. 

Test case management tools make life simpler by managing all test cases used for your software testing. A test case management tool documents test cases, execute the test case, records the results, link failed tests to defect tracking software, track and protect test cases. A test management tool will record test case Id, test case description, test case steps, input data, validation, expected results, actual results, test priority, and test case status.

We list some test case scenarios for taxi apps:

Launch the app

Taxis are hired at the last minute. For this reason, the app must load quickly upon launch. Long wait times for the user will negatively impact the company. A test case would check the loading time of the app, if it is as planned.

Search for cabs in your location

The app has to be checked for being able to detect the user’s location if permission has been granted by them. A test case would check if the app can sync with location services on the mobile. A test case would check if the available network of taxis in the area is displayed accurately as per the user’s location. A test case will check if the search results per page is displayed in an easily readable format.


A map of the route is displayed as the user enters pickup and destination stops. A test case will check the functionality of the map feature. Does the app’s map display correct results for the route? A user may prefer to read or listen to the directions. Test cases for both scenarios are run. A test case will check if the app integrates effectively with a sound software for the listening feature.

Driver and vehicle information

The user will definitely want to know if the vehicle is fit for their needs. For example, a group of more than 4 people will prefer hiring a van taxi instead of a car taxi. Does the app display the vehicle information fully and accurately? A user may prefer speaking to a driver to explain the route in more detail or keep a record for user experience feedback. A test case will check if the driver’s information is updated on the system. 

Make an advance booking for your trip

Depending on the app, this may require creating an account on the app. The app’s login page has to be tested if it opens or not. How does the system respond when a correct or incorrect username and password are entered. Is the user able to login successfully? A test case will check if a system’s date, time and route functions work correctly. A test case will verify if the app accepts bookings upon the user’s confirmation.

Cancel your trip

The user books a taxi but has a change of plans. Maybe an unanticipated emergency comes up, or a friend pops by with a different trip idea; either situation prompts a change of booking. The user will enter the system with the booking reference number given to them on booking the cab the first time. A test case will check how the system responds to valid and invalid booking reference numbers. Another test will check the functionality of the ‘Cancel’ icon. Does it work successfully? A test will check for the duration of the cancellation of the test and if it meets the expected duration.

Make a payment on the app

Not everyone has handy cash. Plus, the taxi may not be equipped with debit and credit card machines, or they may not be charged, or malfunction on a particular day and time. To avoid all these situations, payment on the app is a good way out. A test case will check if the payment page for the app is functioning correctly. Does the app process the user’s credit card information safely? If the app is integrated with another software for payment, a test case will check if the integration is effective. User feedback is usually placed after payments are made. A test check will verify if the user can successfully rate and comment on the feedback page.